Who did you sign for?

Please share who you signed for on our dedication wall below. 

Thank you for signing your name to demand more investment into pancreatic cancer research. We know many of you have personal reasons for signing this campaign so we have created this space to share them.

I'll add my dedication

Ralph Klinkenberg

Maggie Klinkenberg

When my husband Ralph took his last breath after suffering from pancreatic cancer for 14 months, it felt as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest. As he requested, myself and our two children sat with him as he died as he did not want to die alone and wanted to die at home. He did not have an easy death, we found it quite traumatic even though we were prepared for it. From this strong larger than life man to a shadow of his former self, jaundiced and so very thin, it broke our hearts.

Ralph Klinkenberg